In-House Engineering

In-house Engineering

RIPEDA Consulting specializes in Apple device management, and thus we have a deep understanding of Apple’s platforms inside and out. Our expertise includes:

- Swift
- Objective-C
- C/C++
- Python
- ZSH and Bash

Our entire infrastructure is built with resiliency and automation in mind through continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. We let the computers do what they’re best at, so our team can focus on what they’re best at: solving your problems.

Commitment to Open Source

As a company, we greatly benefit from open-source projects to get our work done. And in return, we make contributions back to many of these same projects as well as open-sourcing some of our utilities right on GitHub!

- macOS-Pkg-Builder
- Baseline-Builder
- VPP-Detection
- Identify-your-Mac-Scraper

Even this website is built with open source tools, like Jekyll and Serif, and deployed with GitHub Pages. And the best part? It’s open source! Check it out here.